a production ready UI component

    level 1

  1. has a use case
  2. meets all requirements of that use case
  3. has stories
  4. is easily adoptable (easy for dev to copy-and-paste source code into own project)
  5. has only configurations needed for an actual use case (wait for future use case to drive new config impl)
  6. matches the look and feel of the overall library theme
  7. meets at least WCAG 2.0 accessibility criteria
  8. it renders barebones loading skeleton, loaded, and error states appropriately
  9. has visual snapshot stored in source control used for regression testing
  10. has tests that provide confidence that it renders and behaves as expected in every popular viewport width and browser
  11. is importable from parent lib with easy `import ComponentName from "PARENT_LIB";` statement
  12. has default props, like className

  13. level 2

  14. has been adopted and used in production use cases by 3 or more teams, who have products with 100 or more daily active users each, for a duration of least 3 months, with 95% or better availability